Sunday, February 15, 2009

I just returned from a week of continuing education where I was treated to a huge variety of lectures, sermons, and workshops. It was a great time for new ideas and renewal, and I can't thank my Church community enough for making this possible.

One of the people who spoke was Brian McLaren. This author/pastor had a wonderful, gentle way about him and I was moved by the many things he had to share. I highly recommend his books and encourage you to google him after you finish this posting!

As I write this afternoon, one of the things he said to us comes into my mind. That is, that Buddhism has never been seen as a religion, but rather as a way of life. Christianity, on the other hand is seen by most as a system of belief.

McLaren called on the clergy gathered at this workshop to turn away from the "system" that we have created and to work on returning our churches to communities who practice Christianity as a way of life. Indeed, the early church called itself, "The Way."

What a wonderful idea. What would it look like if we were able to shed the straight jacket of our belief system and embrace the way of Jesus Christ together? How might our churches be different if we stressed faithful community rather than doctrine and process?

Indeed, it's something to consider.

The theme we will be following during the coming Lenten season is, "Contemplating Our Call." As we worship, pray and prepare together, perhaps we could contemplate our call as a church. What would need to change for us to adopt Christianity as a total way of life? How might we go about this?

Could God be calling us to abandon the system of belief we call Chrsistianity? Could God be calling us to embrace the way of life that Christ came to show us?

What do you think?

Well, it's time for me to close up the laptop and head home.

Until next time, I remain yours in the "The Way."

Pastor Schuyler
